Thursday, April 16, 2009

I just figured it out

For the longest time a common Second Life phrase has had me quite stumped. That phrase being…“Real Life musician”.

I think I understand what they are implying, however, the meaning is far different then the implication.

They are trying to say, “I am not a Second Life musician”, or perhaps, “I’m not JUST a Second Life musician”.

Second life is full of simulations. Simulated houses, simulated Motorcycles, simulated romance, and when you boil is all down… the simulation is only as profound as the person experiencing its need for the simulation.

Say you want to own a big house on a private island. That is your “Dream house”. If you create an approximation of that dream house in Second Life, while still technically a dream house, some need is met.

Some would say this is quite sad, but I don’t agree. If your approximation cost 1% of the real thing, and gives you 10% of the enjoyment, what is the harm? Life is grim, fun matters and expending time and energy to make life a little more enjoyable is probably better then walking around suffering.

When I hear a new musician is takes me less then one song to figure out how “Real Life” they are. Seems to me the ones that feel the greatest need to underscore their “Real Life Creds” are the ones that aren’t even technically musicians to begin with.

Have you ever noticed how many BIG NAME musicians in Second Life play primarily at night? The odd fact of the matter is if they were “Real Life” musicians, it seems to me they would be plying their trade in the “Real World” at night.

Of course this moment of clarity doesn’t really affect much at all unless I look at my own musical adventure. Maybe I need to go out and find some real people that can hurl real tomatoes at me if I suck.


I’m I a simulated Rockstar?

The Music is real regardless of the environment.


Unknown said...

I don’t call myself an SL musician, I’m a RL musician who plays in SL, and uses it as a performance and collaboration platform.

SL and other tools are really just communication and collaboration platforms, and there will be many of them.

Personally saying I'm a "Real Life" musician has nothing to do with "credentials" but more to do with the fact I think it sounds silly to call yourself a [insert technology brand here] Musician every time a new one comes out and you start experimenting with it.

Hey, look ma!
I'm a PalTalk Musician!
I'm a Skype Musician!
I'm a Interwebz Radioz Musician!
I'm a SixtyOne Musician!
I'm a iTunes Musician!
I'm a SecondLife Musician!
I'm a BlueMars Musician!
I'm a OpenSim Musician!

Frak it.

I'm a musician.

Zorch said...

I think you are missing my point. You don't have to tell me you are a real life musician. You just have to play and I'll figure it out.

Unknown said...

You might, but others don't;-)