Shadow and Light
While all my "Collections" have been freaking awesome, this one is defiantly raising the bar. How much better can it be? Well I'm listening to the "Roughs" right now, and even with out "Mixing" and "Mastering" it's awe inspiring.
Before somebody accuses me of hyperbole, let me assure you there are two good reasons for the vast improvement.
My last collection was released on March 16th, my rez day, This is the largest gap between collections ever. In the interim, I've had the opportunity to play theses song live dozens of times. Seems every time I play them I'm doing pre-production in my head.
The secondary reason for the vast improvement in this project is the interaction with other musicians recording it. The re-interpretation of musical ideas can lead to fascinating results.
Great songs with great arrangements make for a great recording. The massive groove is palpable even in the most laid back song. Mark your calendar for August 1st, the release date for "Shadow and Light". It will change your opinion on what music can be in Second Life.
Here is the List for song to be included.
This is the place
Close you eyes and Dream
Accident of Fate
Pay no attention
So into you
Rubber Sky
Knave of hearts
Cynical bastard
Marital Bliss
Of course "Different" has been on the list before and not made the final product. But I think it's ready this time. There are also a few songs I'm thinking about adding if time permits. But for now they are a secret.
This is the first collection planned to be released as a CD, in addition to an MP3 collection. While I have been critical of the business reasoning behind CDs, I'm doing this simply because I can and if I don't sell one, I can absorb the cost of my mistake and still maintain profitability.
The great steam pow

I have a crazy dream. A while back I built a Venue/Home that is suppose to be a steam powered airship. I call it the "HMS Arrogant Bastard". Shortly after building the big version, I created a smaller version you can actually fly. I've been Flying it around North Norway and having a great time, but I can't help but imagine the sky full of "Mini bastards" and I want to make my dream come true.
On August 1st I plan to stage a fly over of north Norway with as many "Mini bastards" in the air as I can sortie.
Mini bastards are not that hard to fly, and I have no idea how many people would be interested in such and event, but the coolness factor is so high I've gotta give it a shot. I would like to get a video of the fly over, and have "Ride of the Valkeries" playing in the background.
While August 1st will be a busy day, to prepare for it requires a lot of work in July. So if the blog is a bit quieter then normal, don't panic.
I'll have plenty to write about in August.