Today had much suckage about it. A while back, while mentioning out much I enjoyed Blindboy Gumbo’s music, I mentioned I played a show after him at bay vista, and the only reason I played it was so I would be sure to see his show at least once a week.
This was intended to be kudos for Blindboy, but it seems not everybody saw it that way.
I got this in a note card today when I logged in.
*Editor’s note, it has been brought to my attention that copying and pasting private conversations in Second Life is a violation of the Terms of Service. With this in mind, I shall simply paraphrase what was said. Of course I may err of the side of truth *I was recently made aware of a statement you made in your blog. Yes, it seems I do know some people that can read above a 3rd grade level.
From this statement it is obvious that you have no appreciation of the tremendous sacrifice I make allowing you to play, and encouraging people to donate to my venue to help defray the cost of operation. You arrogant prick… you die, you die and go to hell.
(I actually have a long-standing show following Blindboy at Bay Vista. If Blindboy ever drops that gig, I won’t be showing my face at Bay Vista again. Dropping in early to catch his show is my prime motivation.)
the feeling is mutantal I assure you. Please don't bother coming back. I will be telling all my friends what a big poopoo head you are. you have become much to arrogant to be a vital part of the live music scene. You don't belong here.
I made you and I can break you too. I banish thee, one, two, threeeeee.
Ch-arm March
*Editor’s note, that was a paraphrase….really, no kidding *I don’t see anything arrogant on my part. But I see something incredibly arrogant on Ms. March’s part (I refuse to call her Charm at this point, it just doesn’t fit).
Please note, “you have become much to arrogant to be a vital part of the live music scene. You don't belong here”. Noooo, I’m not talking about the typos or grammatical errors. I’m talking about the arrogance Ms March shows in assuming to speak for live music scene in Second life.
She has banished me from the live music scene, yet I’ve played two show today after my banishment. How is this possible? Didn’t the venue owners get the memo from the desk of Ch-arm March?
Let’s put Bay Vista in perspective. The venue is as popular as the acts that play there make it. I have seen it all but empty when people that don’t have a draw play there, and I’ve seen it hopping when Uber popular people are playing there. Ms March is not the tastemaker she seems to think she is. As a matter of fact, both the show I played today were well attended.
I actually found Ms March’s comments so ludicrous that I referenced them in my notice for my next show. I said, “come on down and get and earful from the man deemed too arrogant to be a vital part of the Live music Scene in Second life”.
This offhanded comment incited a reaction from one of Moody’s MNP Pod People.
*Editor’s note, it has been brought to my attention that copying and pasting private conversations in Second Life is a violation of the Terms of Service. With this in mind, I shall simply paraphrase what was said. Of course I may err of the side of truth *Totally interchangeable MNP Pod person: The SKyline gets ZORCHED 10 AM SLT Thu Jan 08 23:08:20 2009
Come on down and listen to the man dubbed to arrogant to be part of the vital music scene in SL *smirks*
Totally interchangeable MNP Pod person: Is that kind of blatant mockery of Ch-arms over inflated scene of worth necessary? Really?(I meant to use 2 questions marks there to underline my shock) Do you think it makes you some kind of Mr. Funny pants???(Notice my ever growing level of shock by the number of questions marks I use) or, wacky?(okay now the shock is wearing off a bit) All it does is…. Well I forget what it does; I’ll ask Ch-arm and get back to you.
And by the way, we Pod People are not interchangeable; I have kitty ears and a tail, because I’m a cat (Meow, meow).
Zorch Boomhauer: you don't like the notice leave the group
Totally interchangeable MNP Pod person with Kitty ears and a tail (Meow,meow): too slow grandpa, I’m already a dot on the horizon… I wonder what that actually means?. however your notices are a reflection on “Music NOT Potato Salad”.. wait, that is not what it stands for… um… MNP. And we insist our artistises conform lock step to whatever Moody or any of her trusted Non-interchangeable Pod people (because I have kitty cat ears and a tail) say.
It’s our God given duty to play on people insecurities, and make outlandish promises we can’t keep. We do this all because we are shameless and empty people looking for respect we simply don’t deserve. When one of our kli-ents gets new people in their group, it’s not because they played good music that people wanted to hear more of, but because we emoted our fingers to the bone begging people to join. And if by some fluke we don’t completely derail our Kli-ents efforts and he or she achieves some measure of success, we claim it as our own.
Your arrogant mindset indicates you are not insecure enough to do whatever we tell you without question. And while we don’t deserve respect… we demand it.
As to your music, well it’s good I guess. Or at least Moody thinks it’s good. But it’s probably not good now because you are arrogant.
Zorch Boomhauer: and what the fuck makes you an expert on music?
Totally interchangeable MNP Pod person with Kitty ears and a tail (Meow,meow): And as of now you are no longer represented by MNP. One,two,three I banish thee.
So I take great pleasure in telling you (because my life is an empty meaningless sock puppet show and the oddest things give me pleasure) good luck in finding someone else to try and find the insecurities lurking deep inside you, and exploit you for their own glory.
Zorch Boomhauer: Good
Totally interchangeable MNP Pod person with Kitty ears and a tail (Meow,meow): an expert on music? I’m not claiming to be an expert on anything more the towing the Music NOT Puppies line.
But i know what it is to have a HUMANE quality to any situation. I’m so very HUMANE, that is why I really enjoyed giving you the sack, you are evil, and it’s HUMANE to do bad things to people that are evil… oh yes, and arrogant. I use all CAPITAL letter when I type HUMANE to show just how HUMANE I really am.
Zorch Boomhauer: thank for sharing
*Editor’s note, that was a paraphrase….really, no kidding *Now keep in mind I sent out a notice, so I’m getting ready for a show. The Pod Person should have figured this out, but it was beyond her pea brain to grasp. Frankly this blathering is astoundingly pointless. What does HUMANE (all caps) have to do with my questionable sense of irony? It’s not like I’m holding people without due process and forcing them to read my notices.
Just between you and I, I’m quite glad to be un-represent-able again (probably not a word but that isn’t stopping anybody else). I book most of my shows by myself and ever since Nyx has been “Assisting me”, group membership and web site hits are though the roof. As a matter of fact, I’ve had one show played recently that included the questionable assistance of Moody’s Pod people, and NOBODY came to that show. Well that is not entirely true, there were people working the venue… dancers there. And some of them joined the Zorch Nation, and I saw a couple at my early morning show today, of course that is probably Nyx’s doing as well.
Now I don’t think I’ve been particularly arrogant lately. But if I am, I am, I can live with that. I write the songs, perform the songs, play a crazy schedule, and do it all to get my music out. I work hard for whatever success I have, and maybe I should not be so quick to allow hangers-on to share in it.
I’ve never wanted to “Play along to get along”, and if people don’t want the music, they really don’t want anything I’m offering.
So to sum it up, my name is Zorch, I’m an arrogant bastard and I write some of the best music you’ll ever hear. And if that is not enough for you… fuck off.