I think she was honestly dealing in good faith at the time, and of course I told her thanks for the offer, but no thanks.
Perhaps the notice of the show cancellation on January 3rd was just an oversight, and I’ve read entirely too much into the situation.
Perhaps I’m getting paranoid.
But just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean people aren’t out to get you.
I’m inclined to think because she made an attempt to clear things up, she really intended no harm. When people fuck you over, they do their mischief and then sit back and smirk to themselves. They don’t attempt to clear things up.
There is no way I can ever know her true motivations, but her actions suggest I accused her unfairly. If that is the case, I’m deeply sorry.
Now in an attempt on my part to clear things up, allow me to explain my somewhat venomous post of the last few days.
I had a story to tell and I tried my best to tell it fairly, and interestingly. If I did copy and paste their comments (and I didn’t because that would be a violation of the Second Life terms of service), it would have been in an attempt to let the speaker stand and or fall by their own words.
However, I realized if I had, in an attempt to be fair, violated the Terms of Service, one of Moody’s goons would threaten to report the violation. She might say something like, “If you are going to play the game you better know the rules” (Quotation marks used in abstraction because I’m guessing what some imaginary MNP Goon might say).
This realization upset me. I hate to be threatened and bullied, even if it’s just by considering the outcome of events.
So realizing the option to be fair was not really an option, I decided to be truthful instead. While I’ll claim nothing I said was factual (as in I did not quote anybody), my paraphrases were representative of the truth. Some found the remarks funny (because they were true) and some felt my remarks were a bit much, but still funny. As a matter of fact, the only people I can imagine finding the remarks not funny, are the parties involved and people that don’t know the parties involved and are unaware how truly pathetic they are.
This being said, the war is over. I’m sure “Mars Needs Puppies” or whatever MNP really stands for will continue to try and harass me, but I’m over it. I’m sure Ch-arm will talk as much shit about me as she can, but I don’t care.
The reality of it all is I’m involved with Second life to play my music for the people that want to hear it. I’ll play the venues that love to have me come play. I’ll continue to write, perform and record the best music I can. I don’t really need representation. I’m actually good at what I do.
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