When I first started playing music on Second Life, I tried very hard to entertain people. That was the focus. Now it’s not the focus at all. I’m seeking a more profound experience with the listener then simple entertainment. Sharing my song, a bit of my soul, with every show might well be entertaining at some level, but I think the reason people come back time after time has more to do with emotional gestalt. The song bleed, they come from a real place.
The focus of my Un-career is not to become the biggest name in Second Life, but rather to bring my music to people and see if they embrace it. For those that do find worth in it, I do my best to bring them the best content I can.
In other words, build an audience and then service that audience.
While “real money, money” is part of the plan, it’s not the driving force. I’ll never insist on money I didn’t earn, and am quite content to allow the listener to determine the value of my music within the parameters of what they can afford. While I don’t turn down fees, I do explain the option to have me play for tips only is available.
This Blog is also part of the Zorch experience, and is centered on content and not entertainment value. While it seems some find it entertaining, the point here is expressing my ideas. Once again, I build a readership, and then service that readership.
Realizing these things has caused me to rethink the way I approach the “Zorch-cast”. I’ve been hung up on the “Production bits”, and then came to the realization they were so hard to do because they are not what I do. Yes people found them entertaining, but that is not the point of what I do.
Future Zorch-cast will have less production work in them and revolve around music, commentary, news, and I’m toying with the idea of dialog, meaning having a guest on the show to chat with. I believe this will make a better and more consistent show.
Other grand plans in the works.
I’ve come up with something I think will prove to be interesting. The other night I was sharing links with a friend of You Tube videos of my sorted past musical adventures. They found it fascinating. Later I thought, “Hey, you can put You Tube videos in Second Life. Perhaps others would find this interesting as well”.
Now I’m trying to figure out a way to promote “Story and Song Vol. 1” and I’m thinking perhaps a video retrospective of my past musical adventures might make for an interesting event. A thematic reason to do this is because these videos are also part of the story of my life. I’m thinking, a few people will come just out of morbid curiosity. People often wonder what the man behind the curtain looks like. This will be their chance. This will also give people a better idea of the scope of my musical pallet.
I’ve finally come up with the concept behind the next MP3 collection. It will be titled “Shadow and Light” and as the title implies, will be a collection of contrast.
For the record, the music industry despises contrast. They want things in a neat little format where every track is deeply reflective of the last. However, being a really Independent artist gives me the leeway to do really stupid things, and it’s a very thin line between stupid and brilliant.
So there is my agenda for change. I hope you enjoy my new direction.