Of course the semi-responsible adult gig gets top priority.
While I do make it to the vast majority of my shows, it’s the other stuff that is damn near impossible to find time for. Also, my show calendar is remarkably tight. If I wanted to do something different at this point it would be hard to find time for it.
Projects and status report.
The next Zorch-cast. Ummm, if it was just a matter of turning on the mic and yacking I could probably get it done. But the production work involved is kind of time consuming, and I would not put one out that didn’t have a bit of polish on it.
“Story and Song vol. 1”, waiting on the artwork from Talia, but even if I had the artwork I would be hard pressed to have a release party.
The Summer MP3 collection release, for the first time… I’m visionless. I don’t have a working title or even a release date in mind. I do have new songs, but not much time for pre-production.
New computer, well there is an end in sight for this project. I’ve got the hardware ordered and it should be here Friday. By weekend, I should be moved into a new computer. Of course I’ve gotta find all my program and driver disks. But this is kind of a top tier project. I’ve been working on this laptop for well over a year now and it’s not really getting the job done. Frankly, I’m not mobile enough to need a Laptop computer. I feel this is a keystone project.
In other news…
For the first time since it’s start, Zorchboom.com is not showing good numbers. The trend on unique visits while respectable is not looking promising for exceeding the unique visits from last month.
MP3 sales are slumping as well. So far only 360 Megs of downloads. While that represents about 100 MP3s, it’s way off the normal pace.
Group membership is bleeding off as well. Last time I checked it was about 270 members.
Side note… the number of people online in Second Life is also markedly off. About 15,000 less per time zone.
Am I slipping into the gaping maws of failure? Not likely. But I want to report the good as well as the not so good.
I sometimes wonder if my inabilities to attend the many ancillary tasks of my un-career are affecting my results.
Of course, when you are up to your ass in alligators it’s hard to remember the initial job was to drain the swamp.
Perhaps I’ll find some time to get my ducks in a row and get things moving forward again.
1 comment:
Zorch!! Its not you, its the season. Spring is a time when people all over the world are going outside, getting their yards cleaned up, doing more in the RL. There are also a lot of people who have had to take on jobs if they were currently unemployed. Or taken on second jobs to keep up with the price of food/gas, etc.
Big hugs....this time of year my RL employment is super swamped, as a lot of others are too. However, not being in SL doesnt mean that we don't constantly think about our good friends there, such as you.
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