Saturday, May 2, 2009

I love…success

You try things and sometimes they work. Of course, the person claiming to achieve it often defines success.

Perhaps this is the case here.

The show at the Zorch Center the other day was well attended. As far as I know only a group notice was sent and still some twenty odd people showed up. Of course a Live show seems to be a draw, but I was a bit nervous about how the “Listening party” after the live show would go.

The “Interactive listening party” is an idea that as far as I know has never been tried before. I was kind of wondering if it was uber lame and if anybody at all would want to be involved it in.

But in retrospect it was a quite a success. It was well attended, and the people there stayed though the whole thing, being exposed to new music, and… it was fun. Lots of fun. So much fun… a few people asked if we could do it again, and I don’t see any reason why not.

The real boon here is I tried a new way to present music to listeners and it seems to work marvelously. Oddly, I didn’t sell any DAP collections during the show, but sold quite a few before the show. Some might suggest this means the “Interactive listening party” was a dismal failure. But I would have to disagree. The fact that a few collections were bought says there is a interest in my music, and exposing more people to that music can only raise my profile as an artist.

And besides… it was FUN.


Senjata said...

So maybe there WILL be a Shades of Pink album after all!

Sweet said...

I enjoyed the whole event tremendously. Such a fun and different way to hear your songs from the Disposable Art Project. Personally I can't wait for the next interactive listening session. Oh and by the way the music was pretty impressive too!