The reaction was as if he took a crap in their outstretched hand. It was not NEARLY enough for the self-proclaimed professionals of Second Life.
The odd thing is, if they were all that professional they would have just ignored the offer. But the reaction was more like a public pillory. How dare he?
He also asked that people responding to the offer play live music and not use backing tracks. Once again the Karaoke crowd lamented his snobbishness.
Then the unwashed mob started the grand dance of bullshit. Some venue operators boasted how much they paid artist. Some artist bitched about their expenses. Karaoke types whined about being some of the best voices in Second life. Some former venue owners told the sad tale of how they had to close down because they could no longer afford to stay open. Then some mullet head pipes in with, “Venue owners need a better business model” and of course, “Maybe we should charge admission”.
Now let me say, I’m sick of all you whiny bastards.
To the Karaoke types, try booking your show in real life. Nobody running a real world venue would bother because even if you voice is amazing, the real draw of Karaoke is the fact any fucktard can get on stage and humiliate themselves.
To the Guitar-aoke type, shut the fuck up. I’ve seen two amazing guitarist in second life, and both of them managed to make valid musical statements without the aid of backing tracks. It’s supposed to be “LIVE MUSIC”, playing with backing tracks is one step short of a recording. So why not just make a recording?
As to the matter of fees, when I play a show in Second Life, I’m not missing work. I play in my free time (or the time I can wrest free). So if I make one dollar that is one more dollar then I would have made then if I sat around surfing for porn.
To people that insist you get what you pay for. I feel I should point out you are saying because I choose to play for tips (Money I actually earn because people asses value to what I do) I’m somehow inferior to your mercenary self. Ummm pardon me but FUCK YOU. I’ve seen most the people that bitch and whine about fees, and most of them are mediocre at best, some actually suck. I play an all original set, play two to four shows a day and manage to draw an audience every time. I make good money playing for tips and for the record I have one fee paying gig each week. I’ve offered to play the show for tips only, but the owner insists of paying me. She also shows up at my shows at other venues so I think she is a fan.
To the venue operators, I love you guys. You ROCK. You pay the freight on the whole Second Life music scene. If you support me, I’ll support you. If you choose to pay a fee, bless you for your generosity. But I feel I should comment some are taking advantage of you and feel entitled to the fee you pay them. Every time I put out a tip jar I make money. Sometimes I don’t even put out a tip jar, offering to just play a show for free and people still tip me.
I’m so fucking sick of the whiners, and I’m happy to be too arrogant to be a vital part of the Second Life Music Scene. I’m arrogant enough to play for tips, I’m arrogant enough to play my music, and I’m arrogant enough to call you all a bunch of prima donna.
The venue operator that offered L$ 1,000 was directed by a friend to my show. He offered me a gig and yeah, I took it. I’ll have two fee paying shows this week, and I’ve been tipped L$ 1,000 before so I really don’t have an ethical problem with accepting the fee.
As a footnote, one of the whiners mentioned when people offer him a show he informs them he charges L$ 4,000 for a show and they seem shocked. On the other hand, I have venue owners that are hesitant to approach me because they assume I charge more than they can afford. What does that say about, “You get what you pay for”?
Well put. Fortunately, there still seem to be lots of people who are interested in original music performed by real people. There's some hope left yet!
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