It is also responsible to point out the good things, and a rare privilege to point out the very good things.
In the Second Life music scene, there is a simple rule of thumb for a “Good thing”, and that is simply it’s about music first.
A very good thing happens when it’s about music first, the people playing have something wonderful to offer and every detail is covered. The Audience, performers and venue all have a great time and for one bright and shining moment you think, “Wow”.
In my mind there is one consistent “Very good thing” you can count on it Second Life. That being… drum roll please.
The Originals.
I was on the bill at the first “The Originals” show, making me, as I like to point out, one of the original originals. And it’s grown every single show to be more significant than the show before. Second Life music Iconoclast POL Arida started it all and that in and of itself is a good beginning. But a while back he put Harrie (the ROCK chick) Skjellerup in charge and things really started to come together.
POL was the visionary, but Harrie is the architect. Frankly Harrie is one of the most amazing people I’ve met in Second Life. She is organized, creative, and passionate about music. Her venues at Pixel Hill are the venues I point to when suggesting a model for other venue operators to emulate. She supports the music she loves, and I’m so very glad she loves my music because she’s done more for me then any of the other self proclaimed movers and shakers.
I’ve been involved with a few of the MEGA events held in Second Life and most of them are poorly run, have line ups consisting of whoever answered the note card first. The originals started out as a simple dream and grew in stature to be one of the most impressive shows in Second Life.
I remember a time when I came in with my all original set list and people would tell me, “You should really do covers, nobody is going to book all originals”. But it seems “The Originals” proves that wisdom quite out of date. Hundreds of people show up to listen to original music and then come back next month to hear more.
At this point, Indie Spectrum Radio is making the music from “The Originals” available live to people that can’t log on to Second Life but can get on the interweb.
I can’t help but look at what is going on here and think, this means more then it seems. This is more than just an entertaining show. This is the place where things coalesce. The real future, if there is one for music in Second Life is original artist. The dude and chick singers will always have place to play and people to listen. But the artists are going to make the biggest impact. We are the ROCK STARS.
Of course I might be a little bit biased.
Things are really just starting to come together. Thanks POL for starting it all. Thanks Harrie for making it grow. Thanks all good listeners and artist for making it matter.
The Orgininals… a very good thing indeed.
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