Perhaps a better tag for this phenomena would be "The Talent to trash ratio".
I'm personally very invested in the Second Life Music scene. While I would never refer to myself as a member of the (Mythical) all inclusive music community, I am one of the performers available to book.
People often sit around and talk about the music scene exploding, and how to go about lighting the fuse. The sad fact of the matter is the majority of people refused to acknowledge the major impediment to significant growth.
The problem really is not a lack of talent as many would suggest. The problem is the glut of questionable talent that swell the ranks of the talent pool. Add to this a never ending cavalcade of clueless venue owners that will book anybody, and you have the musical equivalent of the Special Olympics.
Of course there are people that support the Special Olympics, but you never see updates about it on ESPN.
The only real area of growth is to make inroads toward the general population of residents in Second Life. Just about every human being on earth has an interest in some kind of music. But you'll find there is only a very tiny demographic that loves Crap music. People want something of value even if all they are investing is there time. When you start talking about "Real money money", the value must be greater.
There is incredible talent in Second Life. People that bring to much to every performance. However if you look in the "Live Music Events" section of search, you find a litany of musical turds mixed in with the diamonds.
The path to significant growth is more talent less trash, more signal less noise.
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