A while back my personal life was reduced to ash. I'll spare you the details as they are not relevant to the theme of this blog.
I have a new life in a new place and more time to devote to musical matter then I can ever recall before in my life. However I've been spending a lot of time in a mental haze. Adjusting to such a sudden and drastic change can disorient the best of us.
While I might not have my feet under me just yet, I recognize the need to move in that direction. It's time to employ a bit of discipline and work toward furthering my music goal. Perhaps even redefine them.
I plan to start woodsheding on the other instruments I play. Keyboard, Banjo, Dobro, and (Gasp)the electric guitar. While I don't intend to alter the nature of my show to include these instruments, it's good to keep yourself immersed in musical thinking.
I'm also considering a bold experiment in broadcasting a live video show. More information of that as I come up with a reasonable way to go about it.
I'm plotting some wild musical collaborations, but that is tip top secret until the details are hammered out.
The new music collection (remember fall is coming) is already percolating in the back of my mind. The title of the next MP3 collection will be “Ashes and Dreams”.
There has even been talk of an official “Zorch the band” release.
Lots of good ideas and perhaps even time to make some of them happen. All I need to do is settle down a focus. My first step toward getting more done is being more disciplined about updating the blog. So make a habit of checking back.
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