Rather then bring personalities into this, let's just call one "Psychotic Genius Quitter" and the other "Psychotic Joe Average Quitter".
They both have so much in common. Both are Psychotic, both bail the moment their itty bitty feelings get hurt and both are such drama Queens they may actually be drama Empresses.
When they come out of retirement... and they always come back, the only difference is you realize you wished the "Psychotic Genius Quitter" could get his shit together because the music is actually good.
When Psychotic Joe Average Quitter make his comeback, and then quits again, outside of the few friends he's managed to embroil in his own personal drama, nobody cares. There is plenty of average to go around.
I wish both quitters, instead of staring at their guitar on it's stand and pondering if the resident of Second life deserve a second, third or fourteenth chance to bask in their musical gifts, would just hone their quitting skills to the point where when they go they stay gone.
While this might sound harsh, and it probably is, I only say it because it's best for the people that actually try and accomplish something interesting in the Second Life Music Scene.
These in and out and then back in again types only ad static to the signal. People that wasted time at either one of the quitters comeback performances would be better served attending the concert of somebody with the balls to keep at it.
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