The key to growth in the Second Life music scene is significant penetration into the general population of residents.
The mechanism to facilitate this significant penetration is quality music.
You'll get more blood out of an elephant then a mouse, but so many dreamers seem to be willing to invest a lot of time Imagineering just how to best bleed a mouse.
The logic behind my supposition is so solid, I'm dumbstruck that people seem to NOT understand it.
Right now they are trying to develop a method to force people to pay for a service that the vast majority of the residents show no interest in when it's free. Does this encourage growth? No. It's a major impediment to growth.
Another analogy would be, imagine a guy tossing some seeds around on the ground. Some take root and produce fruit. Most die on the ground. But the guy is so happy with the three or four tomatoes he gets he shouts “I is a farmer”!
Of course, if he tilled the soil, use fertilizer and cultivated his crops, he would have enough to feed his family and a surplus to sell off for “Real money money”. He would be a real farmer.
I'm convinced the donation based economy could be viable. The reason it's so hit or miss now is simply because it lacks quality. Lack of quality turns the venture into the haven of an isolated community. That is what we have now... and that does not support growth.
The best example I could give you for a venue that works would be the Jester Inn. It's probably the most reputable music brand in all of Second Life. Why? Because Harrie only books artist she likes or in my case Loves (in a non-creepy way).
When Harrie took over “The Originals”, the project grew to a major event. Harrie is organized, intelligent and committed to great music. Harrie is, as a venue owner and event organizer what so many people pretend to be. A force for change and growth in Second Life music. Her success is not due to her desire to make a lot of money off music in Second Life. Her success is due to the fact she cares about good music and work so hard to get it in front of people.
Quality music is the mechanism for significant penetration into the general population of residents.
Quality music is the mechanism for significant penetration into the general population of residents.
Quality music is the mechanism for significant penetration into the general population of residents.
Next Blog... the folly of Co-op thinking in the Second life music scene.
You do have a point, but still: isn't quality a subjective criterium? Middle of the road stuff, for instance, is by nature the most popular music in both RL and SL.
Yet I wonder. If a gazillion flies love to eat dung, does that mean that dung is tasty?
Harrie is definitely one of THE best out there! She knows her music and has a great time at her venue and knows how to run it
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