I put a lot of hard work into my name.
As I write this entry, I've Logged 983 shows in Second Life, released seven mp3 collections (not including live, compilation, and story teller collections), and manage to write a somewhat amusing blog about my musical adventures in Second life.
I work hard to bring value to my name, and because of that investment I deserve to reap the benefits of my name. I'm the one that made it worth something.
The People at “Stream Scene” (cue laugh track), seem to think they can use anybodies name however they see fit to make a few Lindens. This is fundamentally wrong, Ethically reprehensible, and actually illegal.
Now let me say this. If they were just having a popularity contest it would be lame. But when you charge people to both nominate and vote for people, it's a scam.
This is all about squeezing a few Lindens out of the small but excitable music community, and since this is all about COMMUNITY (Yippy wholesome family values) they seem to feel they have Cart Blanche to do whatever they see fit.
I sent Twisted Ruggles a Note card asking to be removed. She informed me THEY didn't nominate me the COMMUNITY did. Then she told me what a hateful personality I had and yadda yadda blah blah. Suffice it to say, she said they would remove my name from the list.
Expected and yeah... that's good.
Then it gets WEIRD.
Then... I get a note from the “BIG WIG” at Lame ass inter-web broadcasting and he informs me, There is no way to know what avatar nominated me, so there was no way to refund their money. This is how I found out nominations were paid for.
I wasn't nominated by THE COMMUNITY at all. Some faceless Avatar nominated me, and paid good money to do so.
I would like to thank Faceless Avatar for their considerations, but if you want to tell me you think I'm spiffy just give me a tip. I'll thank you for that as well.
Since my blog about the subjects, some heavy hitters have been nominated. Like Miles Davis.. and Satan. Crap... how did they find out my real life identity.
Of course Stream Scene accepted the nominations and the fees those nominations incurred.
Currently one of the nominees is sending out a note card to the other nominees, informing them about their nomination and inviting them to consider opting out. No... it's not me.
Now let me ask you this. If they don't know who nominated me... or anyone else. What kind of validation are they going to have during the voting?
Probably none whatsoever and all that really matters is the money coming in. I'm sure every vote will be paid for.
Hey, doesn't the term “Every vote paid for” give you a really bad feeling?
I predict there will be an award given. Not everyone will opt out simply because many of the people in second life require the validation an award... or even a nomination brings.
I'm very sure Manhood Wanker will activate his drones to lead him to GLORIOUS VICTORY. Because he's the kind of guy that needs “Stream Scene Music Award Winner” on his resume to make him feel like he has a dick.
I already have a dick, I have great music and to some people I'm one of their Favorite Second Life musicians. I never pretend to be mainstream or popular. But what I have, I've earned the hard way, but working for it.
And one of my proudest possessions is my name.
I am Zorch and I am the future of music in Second Life... and so humble.