For the longest time I've intended to update the ZorchBoom.com web site. The last update was concurrent with the release of “Shadow and Light”. Gotta keep things fresh right? Well freshness aside, a while back Imeem, the providers of my playlist sold out to the EVIL that is MySpace, and deleted anything that was not part and parcel of the MUSIC BIDDNESS... meaning my songs. A music page with no music is kind of a waste of time.
I've been diligently been laboring to create my own Flash driven player, but while each version worked, it took a few minuets to load. Nobody wants to wait about. Web sites are all about “Provide me what I want NOW”. So my humble attempts were of no use to me. I was banging my head against the wall and I desperately needed a third party application that would work as Imeem did.
I found such a device via the helpful folks at Google by typing in, “Works like Imeem”. They provided me with several links that were all but useless. But after an few hours of fruitless effort I came across,”Playlist.com”, which seems to have solved my problem.
I spent the better part of this morning creating playlist, uploading songs to my website, and linking them to the players. Bottom line.... the songs are back. Hey, even the Zorch-cast is back.
The website is updated with a fresh new look, and the songs are back, and for the most part I am a happy camper.
Now on to the next project.
I've been working sporadically on my next MP3 collection, a voice and guitar epic entitled, “Me and My Monkey”. This is basically going to be a re-recording of the better songs from “Black and White” and “White and Black”. There will also be two songs I've played for a while live, but never got around to recording included in the collection.
I'm also writing new material for my recording project after “Me and My Monkey”.
Things are moving forward at glacier speeds, but they are moving forward. Expect great things.
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