Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Joys of independence

I find it somewhat ironic in the real world there is nothing more corporate then indie music and nothing more mainstream then alternative rock.

I'm sitting here on “Me and My Monkey” release day eve, and hammering out the details of the release. While I defiantly do have help (thanks Harrie), I do an amazing amount of work besides playing shows.

This morning was spend finding and implementing a solution to my web sites play list problem. While I thought I had a solution, it seems would not stream music from my web site to listeners outside the boarders of the USA. A goodly number of my supporters live outside of Mc America, so the situation needed to be addressed. Thanks to the good people at “Groove shark”, my music is once again a global phenomena.

Solutions RAWK!!!!!

I build the web sit, I write the press releases (typos included), do the recordings, prepare the downloads, do the art work, Build the vendor, write the blog, and when time allows I play a show.

I also write the songs.

While it is a lot of work, it's quite rewarding. Sometimes I make a little money, but if money were all that mattered I would do just about anything else. I would probably be a greeter at Wal-mart. Those guys are so wicked cool. But the anticipation of a release is an intoxicating thing. Sometimes I get it right and sometime not so right. I hope to learn from the less then stellar release events and do it better the next time.

Win, lose or draw, I'm the captain of my own destiny. Sometimes I probably work against my own best interest, but that is okay. I'm not taking money out of anybody's pocket but my own. At the end of the day I get it my way.

Yes it's a lot of work, but the work is just part and parcel of the Joys of independence.

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