*Editor’s note, it has been brought to my attention that copying and pasting private conversations in Second Life is a violation of the Terms of Service. With this in mind, I shall simply paraphrase what was said. Of course I may err of the side of truth *
Zorch Boomhauer: Have I been canceled?
Suka Nishi: when I booked with my good and dear friend Charm it was only thru Dec. Or at least that was the lame ass excuse she gave me to tell you.
Suka Nishi: and I sent you a note, really… no kidding but you didn't answer so assumed you wanted to stop because you were too busy being an arrogant bastard.
Zorch Boomhauer: that is not what I was told but whatever
Suka Nishi: sorry (tee-hee)
If this were true, it would not really be much of a story. But lets see what the facts reveal.
Last Saturday, January 3rd, they canceled the Saturday morning show. How do I know this? Because Suka sent me a note card explaining there were real life issues and they would not be able to host the event.
If she didn’t expect me to be performing in January, why did she notify me? It seems to me the notice implies she expected me to show up in January.
I’m not going to presume to tell you what to think. But I’ll gladly tell you what I think *smiles *.
I think some venues book talent based on music, and some venues are social /political entities that really cripple the music scene in Second life. Frankly, if it’s not about music I don’t want to be involved with it. I have mentioned I don’t wish to “play along to get along”.
As for “Music Not Politics”, I’m imagining at this point the name is meant to be ironic.
And for the record, don’t think I’m whining because life is not fair. I’m well aware it’s not. But I’m more then willing to point at the people that act morally superior when they are being utterly childish.
It isn't much to speak of, no flashing spinning anythings, no light show, no clickable dance floor. But for what it's worth, you will ALWAYS be a welcome and respected guest at the Skyline. In the first few days of my place's existence, I wanted desperately to do something nice for the musicians of SL, to offer them something, and share my good fortune. I have since learned to be deeply grateful for what they- what *you*- share with me, my club, and the people who come to listen with every show you perform. When you play for my venue, you don't work for me. I work for you. I'm so sorry to read here that not all venues feel this way.
I'll only say...I book music at Cuddlers for many reasons including talent and to help new artists...Zorch was first booked at Cuddlers by my partner Quinton based solely on Zorch's great talent and as he was new and needed venues to play. I'll go on to say that I'm disappointed in this blog as after I sincerely apologized to Zorch, he didn't ask to rebook which told me he no longer needed the Cuddlers spot!
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