Yesterday was just knee deep in crazy shit and I seem to be the CRAZY magnet. Why is this so? Well every since I’ve deemed to find it in my best interest to expose the hypocrisies of a certain management (aka donkey fuck) organization, people have been informing me of all kind of shenanigans. Perhaps a monkeyshine or two, as if I could address these issues and correct them via the awesome power of this blog.
News flash, if I could fix anything it would be me… and I’m working on me, but I’m not fixed yet. Of course, each item is kind of interesting, but I’m not about to get into personalities here. I’ll mention what happened, but not who did it. Figure it out for yourself. Here is a test item.
A popular singer in second life can’t seem to actually sing in tune.
Did you fill in the blank? If you did, you are right. Now lets continue.
Crazy Item one
Seem there is an Internet radio station featuring Second life performers. This radio station has a request list that has been manipulated by one of the more crafty performers so that he or she dominates it.
Hold on now, that is not the crazy item; all charts are created to be manipulated. Here is the crazy part. Seems the radio station has a policy of only featuring “Original music”. They do this so they don’t have to pay licensing fees to BMI, ASCAP or SESAC. Now, it seems the crafty performer is posting songs written by Mojo Nixon, and I don’t think the artist is Mojo Nixon hiding out in Second Life… but I could be wrong.
Perhaps the crafty artist thinks he or she actually is Mojo Nixon. A victim of self-delusion, you know some kind of… loon.
Scandalous… shocking… did you fill in the blanks? You’re right again. Amazing.
Crazy Item two
Seems some self proclaimed “Second Life Expert” took it upon him or herself to send a note card out to an unnamed music group, concerning the need for performers to PAY UP. Seems this person feels the performers in Second Life have a lot of nerve asking for fees, and the venue operators should have a reasonable expectation for a return on their investment.
The note card distributing wacko then detailed his or her master plan for venue operator equity. As far as I can figure, the artist is required to “Draw” X amount of people to the event, and then split his or her tip jar with the venue owner… all this in order to get paid his or her fee.
Then the self appointed savior of venue investment return blathered on endlessly about the fact musicians are getting away with murder more or less, and that probably didn’t go over well with the membership of the group he sent the notecard to… being mainly musicians.
Here the deal bucko. If a venue operator expects a return on their investment, they obviously didn’t read the “Venue operators hand book”. All venues bleed money. Maybe a few break even, but I doubt any venue breaking even is paying fees. People run venues for various reasons and anybody doing it to make money won’t be doing it long.
Musicians also play for various reasons. If you approach some about a show, they mention the fee and point you at their manager. Some just say, “Yeah, give me a land mark and I’ll be there”. Musicians never point a gun at a venue operator’s head and force them to pay a fee. They choose to pay; their reasons are their own.
Scandalous… shocking… did you fill in the blanks? You’re right again. Amazing.
I feel I should mention, it’s crap like this that inspired me to stop posting at an unnamed Second Life Music Community Forum. People focusing on money and not music.
Crazy Item three
The death of an Internet troll.
A while back there use to be an unnamed butt nugget that would post stupid, hateful things in the comment section of this blog. Seems this person walked about with their ass on their shoulders a bit longer then they should have. One day, a misstep caused their head to slip up their asshole.
They struggled in vain to extract their diminutive head from the steely grip of their anus to no avail. They thrashed pathetically around the room screaming, “Help, I can’t breath my head is up my ass”… at least that is what I think they were saying. It sounded more like “Murpphhs mah… ack”. But if I were in the situation that is what I would be saying.
Scandalous… shocking… did you fill in the blanks? You’re right again. Amazing.
Does any of this matter?
Then… I woke up.
/me is puzzeled, can think of someone singing out of tune but have a problem with a few blancs :D
*Is completely baffled since there are more than a few "popular singers" who can't seem to get it into tune....*
Think I can fill in the blanc of the singer, but as Senjata says, there are so many that sing out of tune. Cant say that about her, not even after singing for 3 hours last night. Great job Senjata!xx
About the SL expert/venue owner with the weird proposals; I haven't actually read the notice he or she sent but had heard about it and thought of it as no big deal. Anyone can run their venue how they want and if I had mine I sure wouldnt be influenced as I said in a previous reply to your blog, thinking everyone knew about that :D The manager of one of my fav musicians sent, as I understand now, a reply to that person TO the group.His mistake was he should have mentionned it wasn;t meant for the fans but now it was confusing and he ended saying:" This is your Second Life.You created this.You support it.You pay for it.."
Which I found rude to say knowing a lot of fans do all in their power to promote their fav musicians and if they can afford it, tip them.
And as for the troll, that is still a blanc to me. I remember you posting somewhere about it being someone in your group, which made me worry you would think it was me as I had not been to most of your gigs. But I hadn't been to a lot of gigs because of personal reasons.
So if anyone could fill me in on that one pls :D Anyway, trolls come and go, everyone can see they are trolls and that is really no big deal either. They always die in the end.
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