Politics are just the mechanics of promoting an agenda. Politics are not bad in and of themselves and the only people without agendas are severely mentally challenged.
Soooo…(try and follow a long here it gets a little weird, but makes sense when you think about it), if you proposed the agenda of, “Hey, let’s put music first and not have a bunch of Politics mucking it up”, you would need to employ politics to promote that agenda.
Did I blow your mind?
Anyway… back to the saga.
You may recall a new and much loved venue was about to have it’s staff trained by Pod People overlord Moody, and I mentioned she was crazy, ineffective and possibly EVILLLL and they canceled the training session.
The good guys win. But then… the saga continues.
Well it kind of continues. Seems “Someone” (quotations because I think “Someone” is my biggest fan) read my critical comments about Moody and MNP (I found out what it really means, “Management not performers”), and made sure Moody got an eyeful of my witty bon motts and pithy observations.
Seems The Moody didn’t enjoy my musings and decided it was time to TAKE ACTION!!! Of course she had already DESTROYED my career (snicker), so there was nothing more she could do to me. She decided to punish the impudent venue I so appreciate.
She told the venue she would not be renewing any of her performers there. Oddly, this is kind of… fucked up. But things being fucked up is Moody’s “A” game. The Venue is very supportive of good music and that is why I love it. It’s developing a reputation of presenting good music.
Moody has a couple of good acts, but most are… not so good. I’m not pointing figures or naming names, but the fact is Moody, aside from being crazy has little musical taste. I suspect she courts acts to exploit purely on audience reaction. And remember, popularity has almost nothing to do with talent in Second life.
Moody’s performers could have benefited by playing a venue that is developing a reputation for featuring good music. But the bottom line is, Moody’s ego is more important to her then what is in the best interest of her clients.
This seems to me a bit… wait for it… POLITICAL.
So in the end, the good venue continues to do what it set out to do in the first place. Promote some good music. Zorch continues to play shows, add members to the Zorch Nation and sell MP3s in spite of the fact he’s too arrogant to be a vital part of the Second Life music community.
So once again, the good guys win. I love happy endings.
It was you who first tried to call the shots by telling the venue not to use MNP.
Your reponsibility ends with deciding who you want to associate with. It doesn't stretch as far as telling people who they should associate with because thats up to them and for you to try and assert such control is freakish behaviour.
MNP have matched your move. It seems to me thats pretty much what you should have expected. You should apologise as no one was making you work with MNP and you only have yourself to blame for upping the ante. Did you think that trying to veto someone would not have consequences? Wow you really are stoopid!
aaaahhh Trigger is back.. at least this time you are abstaining from using any uberlongish words you are not really sure how to use of anyway ;)
had you actually read (and understood) the previous posts you'd know that Zorch did NOT tell the venue owner what to do and only shared his own personal experiences. and that based on hearing Zorch's as well as other people's opinion about the efficiency of representation / training / association with MNP the venue owner decided to not take the step to associate with MNP.
Believe it or not Trigger... SOME people are very much capable to have an opinion of their own and making their own decisions.
and as far as I am concerned - if the venue owner decided to go with Zorch and not with MNP - that probably should make people reevaluate the importance, significance and actual impact of MNP in SL live music.
This is relatively well mannered for a “Trigger” Post. Somebody must be taking his or her meds.
You seem to miss my point (and I’m not surprised in the least), but so other do not get side tracked by your “alleged” argument, I’ll attempt to make it again.
Moody not renewing her acts doesn’t affect the venue at all. There are plenty of good act outside of Moody’s bailiwick. Good venues are harder to come by then “Acts” to play them.
Last show Moody booked for me was at a strip club. I was talking to one of her few Good acts and it seems he was booked there as well.
The point being, Moody blacklisted a good venue because they hurt her itty-bitty feelings by not letting her “Train” their staff. This only hurts Moody’s clients not the venue.
Moody and her “Management not Performers” organization are childish, unprofessional, delusional and …wait for it… POLITICAL.
Once again, the good guys win.
The only way this could get better is if Moody’s few remaining good acts decided to dump her and carry on without her. The simple fact is with out performers to exploit, Moody is nothing. Come to think of it, even with performers to exploit she is nothing. But at least she can pretend she is involved in the music scene.
The even sadder fact is… if all Moody’s act left, she would just find new insecure people to represent.
If Moody and MNP was “All that”, why would anybody care what I had to say about them? I’m just a guy with a guitar, a song, and a blog.
Is it just my observation, or has anyone else also concluded, that Trigger's immature behavior of posting insignificant and defamatory comments on here is just as detrimental, if not more so, to MNP’s reputation as MNP is to itself?
Without difficulty, one can easily ascertain that Trigger is obviously associated with MNP &/or the “staff” of same. Personally, if for no other reason, I would endeavor to avoid any organization whose associates conducted themselves in the manner Trigger has. That alone speaks volumes of the type of confederation MNP is, more so than anything Zorch has ever allegedly said or done.
Zorch’s blog is followed by numerous individuals. This is not limited to his devotees, but includes venue operators and other SL musicians as well. All of us, without any takedowns on Zorch’s part, choose to read his blog for our own reasons. In doing so, it is unavoidable that we form our own negative opinions about MNP based solely on Trigger’s conduct.
That being said, I would like to see the focus of this blog more on the music in SL and less on the politics. And, Zorch…stop FORCING people to do what you want them to do by putting them in submission holds!! *smirk*
I've heard a few reports about these people all many different sources. I can't comment myself because I have had no personal dealings (Thank God I'm not good enough to be noticed!) but there's usually no smoke without fire.
The 'Malicious Rumour' theory is all well and good, but the sheer volume of information I have received regarding very similar occurences all over SL puts me in the corner that is inclined to believe that there is substance in at the unprofessional business dealings at the very least.
And yeah, I'd say that Trigger was on the books. Doesn't really stand out much, does it!
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