Thursday, July 24, 2008

Good times…good times

Yesterday was quite eventful. First off, the guy that owns the property my rented beach house sits on decided to “sell out” and basically evicted me. While this may seem like a bad thing, it actually worked out to be a blessing in disguise.

My good friend Lucincia offered to rent me a small island for 2750 L$ a month with is a considerable savings over the beach house I was renting. I bought a Pre-fab house and by the end of the day, ZORCHLAND was established.

On of the nice things about renting an island over renting a house is I have control over the media stream now. So I can have a party at my house a play a live show there. While I’m in no way considering opening a venue, it would be nice to have a place to host Zorch Nation events.

I also added a bunch of songs to the Zorch MP3 vendor. The total so far is 9 songs.

The cherry on top of the day was a show at the amazing Jester Inn. I love the Jester and I love Harrie for running the Jester. Every show there seems like a homecoming, and a sold a goodly number of MP3s.

All and all…good times…good times.

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