While this might seem like some sort of utopian wonderland, it’s not. The sad fact is, if everything regardless of it’s actual quality is “good”, all compliments become meaningless.
Now the following is a rant, and if you believe in the Strife/Implosion model of existence I suggest you NOT read what follows. Name will be named and criticism leveled.
On Saturday the 2nd, I played a venue called “Boon dock saint”. Now I had checked this venue out before I played it, and while I was there I saw a HORRIBLE singer. If I had caught his name I would print it here and give you fair warning. Suffice it to say he was a “Furry”, and while I’m told his song were in English I could not understand a word he was indecipherably groaning.
This was a bad omen. I hate venues that seem to hire anybody that says they are a musician. I don’t remember if the management contacted me at a show or were referred to me by someone. But Venues those book questionable talents hemorrhage credibility so quickly that in time, all they can book is questionable talent.
When I arrived at the show, there was a guy named Bosco Constantine playing before me. Oddly enough, he was also playing before me at the very next show I was about to play. As I clicked on the stream I heard some mediocre warbling of a song of questionable merit. For a moment I was on the fence as to whether this guys was a mediocre hack, or a hardcore believer in the tenants of suckage. His next song resolved the issue nicely.
It was basically an attempt at Second life related humor, stating that people involved in second life are addicted social retards beyond hope of redemption. Maybe if I were drunk the song would have been funny. Nahhhh, nobody could drink that much and still be upright.
The worse aspect of this song was he kept stopping… only to start singing the SAME song over and over and over and over again. While I like to think he was attempting to be “Funny ™”, the distressing fact of the matter was it seemed more like he was building the tenth level of hell were real hardcore asshole are damn for an eternity of listing to Bosco drivel on ad-infinitum.
The effect of this song was to drive me into a deep depression. In an attempt to save what little sanity I had left, I typed into the chat window, “DUDE STOP THIS SONG”. It didn’t help. While you might wonder why I didn’t just turn off the stream, well I was playing after Bosco an it’s expected you listen for the last song warning. If I had know anybody there that actually had the stream on, I would have asked them to just tell me when Bosco was done.
I was depressed, I was not feeling the show at all, and then after one more lame cover song the suffering that was Bosco was over. I got on stage started the stream and put on my professional face.
Then I got a IM from Bosco saying “Your heckling me in my own club?”. Now I didn’t know Bosco was a club owner and for the record it doesn’t really matter. But to me, the subtext of that message was “I’m the club owner you little bitch, you better start kissing my ass real fast”. Of course I replied over the stream, “Okay dude I’ll heckle you in your own club, you SUCK”. The subtext of that message was, “I don’t give a rat’s ass if I ever see this piss hole of a venue again, and if I didn’t have group members here I would just leave”.
Several people panicked. “Oh no, a breach in the niceness bubble, let’s over react”. After a few rough songs I went on to play a pretty good show. Added a few new people to my group. Made a few Lindens. And was ready to chill until my next gig.
Of course I didn’t get my well-deserved chill, Luka felt compelled to tell me what an asshole I am, and how I probably ruined my career. I’ve played over one hundred shows in Second life. My worst show was good and my best shows are transcendent. If one comment can sink a career who need such a fragile career?
Will I lose supporters over this? Well depends on what they are supporting. The comment didn’t change the music I play a bit. If they support “Zorch the nice guy”, I don’t mind losing those supporters. I’m here to play music and if you like the music, come along and listen. If you don’t like the music, but think I’m a nice guy… don’t put yourself out. Go see Maximillion Kleen, he’s a really nice guy.
Now Zorch, if you are going to share our private conversations with the general public for their viewing pleasure, please record my words correctly and in the context in which they were spoken. I did not say you were an asshole. I said you were being a jerk for embarrassing the man in his own club. I did not say you were ruining your career. I said you were offending people and that might not be a way to build your career. Everyone is entitled to a good rant now and then and I don't mind you using my name. All I ask is that you share my comments fairly.
Right on Zorch...Truth has value.
A little known story....My friend's teenage son hijacked his second life account whislt he was out of the room. My friends avatar happened to be at a gig for an artist I cant remember..anyway the Artist asked at the end of his song, 'hope you liked that' how was it' The son answered in chat, "it was good but you messed up some of the chords, and overall it sounded a bit shit...but youll do better next time."
'outrage ensued all around, as of course everyone thought it was my friend...But why so? it was an honest opinion.. is that not what the guy asked for...I like to think of it as constructive critisism...if an artist cant take a few pointers..then they must be perfect...to quote a famous line from a POL song ' knowing everything means learning nothing at all'
We should be awarded the same rights as RL...freedom of speach.
start a revolution!
Nice blog by the way...I love the way you write.
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