I have this theory about people that have musical careers. You don’t really decide to devote your life to music. It’s just some kind of genetic fluke.
I’ve seen plenty of people say, “Hey, I’m going to be a professional musician”, but after a few years of banging your head against the wall, you end up in a more reasonable line of work. A good number of these reasonable people are still friends of mine and quite amazed I’m still pursuing music as a vocation.
I can honestly say I’ve given the 9 to 5 lifestyle a test drive a few times and it never really suited me.
I’ve been involved in music as a profession since 1977. That was the year I released my first record. I’ve seen good times, and suffered some bone grinding poverty, and I’ve worked in just about any capacity you can think of in music. But when all is said and done, there never was a question of doing something else. Music is my love, my life and my calling. It is the boundary that defines me.
I’m not doing this to get rich or famous. If I were I would have moved on decades ago. While I manage to earn my crust of bread, it’s never been about money at all. There is intoxication in music that nothing else can match. I can think back on a million instances when I knew this was where I belonged. On stage at some bucket of blood shit hole bar, or listening to the playback of a recording, magic transcendent moments of answering the call of my life.
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