When a Karaoke crooner, or Guitar-e-okie wanker starts a Second Life career, what they do is only possible because of Second Life's proclivity towards embracing a proxy reality. It's not real, it's only a shadow of real talent. It's value is it's “Second Lifeness”. There are even acts that feature no real performance at all. They just play recordings and pretend to be some famous band. I would not call any of this Entertainment, rather more of a diversion. Some “Okie” performers have quite a following, but this is always due more to their ability to be sociable then any actual talent. People are showing support for their friend rather then seeing an act that will enrich their lives at some level.
The next phylum up is the “Lounge singer”. These are generally competent musicians that you might catch at the airport lounge. Their bread and butter consist of playing songs people know and love and not mangling them horribly. Some lounge singer scatter a few original songs in their set. But this is something the listeners indulge rather then enjoy. Lounge singers are pure entertainment. They don't rely on Second Life gimmicks to earn a few Lindens.
The top of the food chain are those performers that are Iconic. Please don't confuse this with performers that drop by and do a 30 minute set at “The Originals”show, some of those playing are Iconic, but scattered in are lounge singers looking for a little validation. Iconic performers not only write their own music, but they have crafted a signature sound and if there were an infrastructure to support in Second Life, they would be the Rock Stars. As a matter of fact, I believe with a little ambition, most could leave Second Life and actually groom success in real life.
While there is entertainment value in Iconic performers, there is something far more profound about them. They create something utterly unique. They are not “Select one from Column A and one from Column B”. They are distinct, original, and talented enough to express the vision they've been gifted with.
The Iconic performers are the future of music in Second Life. They are the real among the fake. The Diamonds among the marble. They are the people that can convince people, Music in Second Life is worthy of their attention.
Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, U2, Frank Zappa, Jimi Hendrix, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash and John Prine are Iconic.
POL Arida, Senjata Witt, Blindboy Gumbo,Strum Diesel, Carmel Daines and Zorch Boomhauer are Iconic as well.
While some might suggest the more popular artist are Iconic, I disagree. Those whom are popular just have a better social structure behind them. They are the big fish in the small pond of Second Life. Few people outside of the social circle care about that social circle. But quite a few people enjoy great music and this is what the Iconic performers have to offer. Those few Iconic performers have what it take to generate excitement and interest in Second Life music with those for whom it's a big fat joke. I would suggest those Iconic few are the edge on the sword towards significant growth in the listener base.
Iconica... say it with me.
What is Iconica? Here is the thumbnail sketch for you.
Iconica is a musical event. The objective of this event is to draw new listeners, or people that have written off music in Second Life as joke into the listener base. The outreach will be preformed by those whom are currently Listeners/Fans of live music in Second Life.
The Iconica event will feature a staff of 25 Listeners/Fans that will operate as “Outreach Liaisons”. Their mission will be simple. They are responsible to bring two “Growth Candidates” to the show. They can bring more if they wish, but the goal is for each Liaison to host two Growth Candidates.
Each Artist will be asked to provide 5 Liaisons, their goal, is to bring two Growth Candidates as well.
This is a variation of the old “Invite a friend to church” gambit.
Iconica is also an Honor. Not like, “It's an Honor to play”, but rather bestowed honor. Any artist of worth can be considered for an Iconica honor. To put it another way, perhaps more understandable, an Honor is like an award, however there are no losers, only winners. And Categories are not exclusive. Example “POL Arida, Outstanding songwriter honoree” and “Senjata Witt, Outstanding songwriter honoree”.
I feel the honor system is more equitable to those deserving honor. Award are for the Popular, honors of for those deserving honor.
I'm well aware what an undertaking this would be. It requires massive effort from a lot of people. But I feel the long range benefit is worth the effort. We need to stimulate listener interest in Second Life, and a larger listener base benefits everybody.
The question now is... whom is up to the task? Who will join in this crusade?
Iconica... say it with me.
Good luck with that, and thanks for the heads up on the other musicians. You don't have any self esteem issues, do you?!
Great blog Zorch, so glad its back. It might not be what some people want to hear, but its funny and too true sometimes. Keep it up:)
I'm with ya.. I think? yer gonna have to be a bit more specific about the whens and wheres and such. *lol* To put it plainly, Z, what do you want from us? (performers, I mean- I got that you want us to step up and grab a few of our top fans, and enlist them into a bit of a music army... so, what do we do with them, once we've got boots on em?)
Allow me to try and answer your questions.
What the performers do?
They do what they always do, play brilliant music.
What do the fans with boots do?
They invite 2 growth candidates to the show.
When where ect.
I'm inclined to suggest the date of May 1,2001 simply because it will give us sufficient time to marshal our forces
Where? I'm not sure yet. We need a place that can host over 100 avatars. Most venues crap out at 40.
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