What is the difference between Quirky and Disturbed? Well disturbed people commit antisocial acts in order to do harm to others. I'm not talking grifers here, they just want to piss on everybody and get a reaction. While annoying most are not sociopaths. The subject for today's story is a full blown sociopath. In a more perfect world this jack ass would already be warming a nice padded room. But I'm not here to editorialize, I'm here to tell a story.
The sad pathetic tale of “Yet another Lewzer”
Now Second Life has Karaoke types, Guitar-e-Okie types, but there is yet another category I've not shared with you. These being the “Grind and Grunters”. To clarify, they play a little gee-tar and sing a bit. They get most of the chords right, remember most of the lyrics and can approximate the melody of any number of shopworn cover songs. On a Grind and Grunters best day, they aspire to mediocrity. Some make it and to others... it remains a dream. Now some Grind and Grunters are very popular, but only with people that don't really give a shit about music. They just want to hear something they recognize, something they are comfortable with.
“Yet another Lewzer” falls into the Grind and Grunters category, at least sometimes. He quits the Second Life music scene frequently, only to return like nothing ever happened. What a tease.
Now I'm not going to use “Yet another Lewzer” Second Life name because I refuse to give him any publicity. Besides, it's not who he is that is important, it's what he's done that make him so sad and pathetic. Frankly if I told you, the vast majority of my reader would have never heard of this guy.
However, just calling him “Yet another Lewzer” could cause you to suppose I'm talking about any number of people. So lets narrow it down a bit by using part of his real life name. His first name is Richard... so let's just call him what he is, a DICK.
I first ran across DICK when he was playing a show before me. I listen for a bit... a very short bit then wrote him off as yet another lewzer, and shut the stream off. As I took the stage I extended to him the kindness I extend to all lewzers and said nothing at all about his performance. If I can't say anything nice I don't say anything at all. I played my normal brilliant set, and then ambled off to the next show thinking nothing at all had transpired out of the ordinary. But something had. I had made an enemy. How did I do this? Well by not lavishing praise on DICK I servilely injured his tender feelings. He vowed REVENGE!!!!
Please note this is true story and I'm not making this shit up.
The second time I saw DICK he was following a rather good musician, and he managed to get small portion of a song down stream before I could react. The song in question, “I touch myself”. At that point he went from being a talentless abortion to a retarded talentless abortion. I snapped off the stream, stood in front of his avatar and poofed out right in front of him. I wasn't being mean, just using my well honed skill of non-verbal communication. The act was my way of saying, “Hey dude, you suck”.
Now merely sucking does not turn you from a Richard to a DICK. You have to work at it, and while he's accomplished nothing significant with his musical pursuits he's managed to prove himself quite a DICK.
Now I feel I should broach the subject of DICK's attempts at REVENGE. I've developed the kind of un-career that is all but revenge proof. God knows I shoot myself in the foot at least a couple times a day. I've made lots of Enemies, most of the time without breaking a sweat. But the people that love my music are not marginal supporters. They put up with my eccentricities because I give them something they access value to, and no matter how bad things get, I soldier on. I'm too stupid to quit, and in the end I'm the only one that can end my musical adventures.
However (and isn't there always a however lurking near by), DICK and I had a friend in common. Notice that is past tense. DICK decided that she could either be DICK's friend or my friend but not both, and when pressed she sided with the person not making ultimatums, me. This further fueled DICK's rage. I had stolen his friend. How dare I? The friend we had in common went from being a friend to being a target, and because of that, I'll simply call her Target from here on out.
DICK is the kind of guy that gets his jolly's tormenting women, and Target had it coming. He bombarded her with hateful threatening message. She responded by putting him on mute, banning him from her land, and sending his e-mail right to the spam box. DICK countered these precautions by creating dozens of Alternative Second Life accounts, and generating new Email account. In each case Target would mute/ send to Spam, only to have yet more accounts generated.
DICK then upped the ante by cobbling together some hateful attack songs and having them posted on “Indie-Spectrum radio”. Nobody but DICK would bother to request them... and he did. It all ended when Fox actually listened to theses songs, and decided the production value was not up to snuff with what he wanted on his radio station. The songs weren't meant to be good, they were just meant to hurt the feelings of his Target.
Now the most current attack on target is as follows. DICK registered her Second Life name as a dot com domain and posted a web site in order to attack her. Target acted with far more maturity then I would have. She just wrote his web host and pointed out the web site was an attack on her and also used several of her songs without permission. In both cases, a violation of terms of service. This cause the offending site to be removed.
What evil did Target do to deserve this kind of harassment?
None whatsoever. She simply decided to ignore the existence of a Male human (I would never call such a person a man, regardless of his age or gender) that proved what a petty spiteful and heinous person he actually is.
Multiple alternative Second Life accounts, numerous Email accounts, posting attack songs and registering a domain name for somebody's avatar are the kind of acts only a seriously disturbed person would do. All these acts to attack a person that has done them no harm, no evil.
And I'm not attacking DICK personally. Just saying these acts are a profound statement on just what kind of person he is. He's sick, deranged, and just between you and I, potentially dangerous.
If I were to disclose DICK second life monicker, most would just say, “who”? But if you did know him, you would be quite shocked. The mask he wears is one of kindness, compassion and he's always willing to give you “Wise counsel”. However, actions speak louder then words. He's a sociopathic nut job that is out of control.
I'm quite sad now. Not because of this tale of woe, but because it's probably more common then it should be. How many fucktards are out there doing this kind bullshit? When all is said and all is done, it's just another sad pathetic tale of “Yet another Lewzer”.
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