Everyday new venues open... and then close. Everyday new “Artist (???) show up, and fill the ranks of the open mic venues. The number of live music events in most time slots is well over 40 events (night time push that number up to 80+ events). Just for the record, 10 PM SLT seems to slow down significantly, most of the time you have 3 or 4 events, and some of them are simply mislabeled as “Live music”.
You might think the numerous event might indicate a thriving music scene, but it's just the opposite. This is scene on the path to extinction. The Multitude of Clueless venue operators booking musicians that have nothing to offer an audience are turning the Second life music scene into the Special Olympics of online activity.
I use to think the split between the professional musician and the embarrassing wannabe was about 10/90 %. I currently see it more like 2/98 %. And while things are sliding down the Quality Assurance hill, people that don't and real world marketable skills keep plotting ways to extort money from either the venue owners or there fan base.
And speaking of the fan base, everyday it diminishes as the Diva-esque tirades of people like Manhood Wanker make the concept of supporting live music less and less appealing.
Wrap you mind around this concept for a moment. It's far more appealing to cease an activity that cost you money, then abandon an activity that makes you money. This is why the community supporting Live music is shrinking, and the glut of musical abortions is just about to achieve critical mass.
What needs to happen is a large scale musical evangelism event. We need an event where we can showcase just how good the talent can be in Second Life. Then we need those involved in the community to go forth on to the highways and byways and invite those who are unaware of the music scene, or those that have written it off as a waste of time to give it a shot.
I'm sure minds could be informed. People would get excited, they would want more.
Of course, I'm not interested in Supporting the Second Life Music community as a whole. I can't in do that, most of it sucks ass. But there are artist I would be interested in both presenting and supporting under a brand.
If what I'm suggesting seems sort of elitist to you... you understand me perfectly. I'm interested in presenting the best, most iconic performers in Second Life.
In the Special Olympics everybody plays, everybody wins. In the Un-Special Olympics, only the best of the best play, everybody goes for the gold. The whole world watches.
More to come....
EETS ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!! Good to hear your grumpy voice, Z... been wonderin' when you'd pop back in here!
I am all for "Presenting the best SL has to offer". You know what I used to line up at the Skyline. You also saw it wear me to threadbare trying to keep it up. It's hard work. Some few of the best venue ops DO still try to provide it, when they can, I know. Recently an op I know, (and until recently performed weekly for) lamented to me at the swelling tide of "karaoke singers" he was himself putting on his own stage... Like a captain watching the ship be over-run by rats, he seemed almost baffled that it had happened. He told me- he filled the slots with performers he knows and loves.... then sometimes, they bail. (Real Life and all that.) The ones who often step up to fill a spot? That'd be the rats- er- *cough* karaoke singers. They are plentiful, some are even not bad singers, and there's always another one there when a spot needs filling.
So I think you're on the right track with spreading the word. Geting more performers- especially really GOOD ones- to log in and get on stream would be a boon to music in SL.
Here is your bell Sir... and there is the cat. ;)
you know, when faced with the choice between filling a slot with a Karaoke singer and leaving the slot empty... They should leave the slot empty.
We don't need 70 events an hour, or venues hosting 8 hours a day of Live or semi live music. Some discretion is needed to improve things.
Who is manhood wanker? Also, I am interested in who you believe are in the "elite" 2%? I am going to assume you include yourself, who else? I truly hope "wanker" is a nickname someone else gave this guy...surely he doesn't actually USE it?!
Manhood Wanker is a nick name for the poster boy of all the Second Life Muso whiners.
He started a big smooe a while back by demanding he get paid a cover charge for those attending his shows. The rest of the chimps started banging their cages and screaming for more money as well.
Simple economics say if you can't give it away you'll be hard pressed to sell it.
As to the top 2%, there are some clues in the next entry. I don't really know 100% of the performers in Second Life. I'm just hoping at least 2% are worth the bother.
Am I in the top 2%? Baby, I'm the future of music on the grid.
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