I’m always tickled that Harrie lets my have my events at the Jester, but she really went all out today. Check out the Image, she imposed my green image on the back wall and festooned the place with green balloons.
Nya also made up some wicked cool emotes that spewed out shamrocks all over the place. It seemed quite popular with the revelers assembled. Thematically the show was a smashing success.
Musically, I consider the show a success as well. As tradition dictates, I did run a little over the expected 1-hour show… by about 30 minuets. But there were so many friends and supporters there, I felt it only right to play some fan favorites.
I had two more shows to play today, and while each went well enough, I must admit it’s hard to beat such a personal, and supportive start. Speaking of supportive, The Guys from “Dark Castle Park”, Rubber LeShell from “Club Rub” and former owner of “The Stringer” Poseidon Footman showed up at the later shows. Nice to see venue owners showing up at other peoples venues to see your show.
As expected, I did mange to sell a few copies of “Songs in the key of Green”, but oddly enough, I only sold one “Single of the moment”. The one up for sale today was “Running in circles/Real love”. I’m still convinced this method of moving music will work; it’s just possible those are not the songs people are most interested in.
Attendance was pretty solid all day, averaging about 30 avatars per show. This is rather impressive due to the number of shows played.
Monetarily things went quite well. While not providing any hard numbers, this weekend proved to be 30% more profitable then my previous best weekend.
Did I turn a corner? Perhaps, but more likely I generated a bit of momentum but causing an event to happen. My supporters were in my corner and hoping I would do well, and I did. I thank them all very much. But keeping things in motion is the real trick.
Of coure, I’m in no mood to barrow trouble right now. Things look great from here. Time to press on and see what comes next. Getting ever so close to that 200-member mark in my group. Could happen soon.
Today it’s good to be me.
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