Sunday, November 2, 2008

Zorchland… a memory

It’s the end of an era. My lovely Island in the middle of nowhere is no more. Gone. I can almost relate to the plight of so many Americans losing their homes. Notice I say “Almost”. I do feel quite disenfranchised.

A dear friend has given me a place to log into for the moment. But there is a part of me that want a place of my own again. I’ll admit, I don’t do much more then answer IMs at the house, but for me it’s still an issue. I’m currently doing the Second Life version of Sleeping on a friend couch.

Why did I lose my island? Because Linden Labs decided they needed to up the tier fee 50%, and the landlord could not cover the cost. It’s rather obvious that Linden Labs seems only interested if figuring out what the market will bear when it comes to pricing. There has been no 50% increase in overhead. In a world where this mattered it would be considered price gouging.

It’s become quite clear the residents of Second Life have no real voice in this matter. Oddly for a world created by the residents it seems Linden Labs is quite uninterested in their opinions on this issue. There is no dialog, just a bill. “Here, pay this now”

Please don’t think I’m just bitching and whining about this. I’m not suggesting some bullshit theatrical gesture, or expecting any kind of change. Some things suck, and I’ve lived long enough to figure that out, but it doesn’t mean I have to be happy or even stoic about it.

Good-bye Zorchland. You were my home and I’m going to miss you.

1 comment:

Joe and Kristin said...

Man, that sucks. Sorry to hear about that. You are free to set home at the stringer. Lots of houses and land for sale down below us also.