I’ve come to learn; while the people hawking the group memberships may well be females they are not always personally involved with the performer. I’ve learned this because I seem to have some kind of management deal with Moody, and she send women I don’t even know to basically pimp my group, my website, and emote frantically.
While this seems a bit… undignified to me, it seems to be exactly how things work in Second life. The biggest performers even do it, or more to the point have somebody do it for them.
Of course at this point, I’m not sure it’s working. Yes, things are growing, but they were growing before, and it may well take a while for this to bear fruit. It’s really kind of hard to divide the sound business practice from the magical ritual at this point.
I feel I should mention I’ve always thought “Music not Politics” is a pretty lame name for a management company, I must say Moody has recently shown me she does practice what she preaches. I had a bit of a personal issue with a close friend of Moody’s and she made it quite clear that she would not allow the rift between her friend and I to affect my (snicker) career.
This is commendably mature, and quite professional. I’m rather impressed. Second Life music seems to run on a social engine, and for her to put my music before her social network makes me think maybe I’m with the right person.
All I am in Second Life is a singer/songwriter. People that expect more will be disappointed. The music is what matters to me, and if you are hanging around because of some other reason I won’t shed a tear when you stop coming around.
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