So unless you are a citizen of the Zorch Nation, or a member of the Venues group, you have no idea Second Life’s second best singer/songwriter is performing. I’m not one to sit idly by and let issues go un-addressed. With this in mind I’m writing an open letter to venue owners (I’ll send it as a note card in world).
Greetings and thank you for booking me to perform at your venue.
I’m sure we want this event to be as successful as possible, and it’s come to my attention that very few of the venue operators that book me actually bother to list shows on Second Life’s event calendar.
I’ve recently checked and with 12 shows remaining in the week, only one showed up on the events listing. I would imagine the venue operators felt they had a sufficient group to draw people to the show, and perhaps that is true. However, both the artist and venue only grow when we reach the people outside of our sphere of influence.
I remember my first day in Second Life; I wanted to see live music. I saw Dann Numbers in the listings and went to the show. I didn’t know the artist, I didn’t know the venue. I just new I wanted to check out live music in Second Life.
I’m closing in on my 200th show in world. I’ve played several high profile shows (Relay for life, Amnesty International, and SL5B), and I’ve also played a good number of shows at well-attended showcases (The Originals, Freestar bay, The Humming bird café, and Merry Pranksters). All theses show serve the purpose of getting my name in front of people and giving them a taste of the Zorch-tastic goodness.
I think I’ve put a good deal of hard work establishing the Zorch brand. All you need to do now is let people know where they can come to hear me. You don’t need to write much more then “Zorch, Venue, time, date”. You can even copy and paste my funky bio for the description or make up something. I don’t really quibble over the content.
To post an event just go to the official Second Life web site( http://secondlife.com/ ) and click the “Search for events” link. You’ll find a button that allows you to add an event. I won’t give you a detailed instructions because if you can run a live music venue with all the scripts and such I’m sure you can figure it out.
Please note, they ask for you to post your event 24-48 hours before it starts. This ensures time to have it listed in world, and that is very much where we want it listed.
I can’t really insist on this, it’s only a suggestion, and I can’t do it myself, because the parcel/venue owner is suppose to list the event. However, if you do take this simple extra step, I’m sure you’ll find it worth the effort. More people in attendance are beneficial to the both of us.
Many thanks again for booking me to perform at your venue. I hope it’s a enjoyable and successful relationship.
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