I told them I’m not interested in the details thank you very much.
I’m not trying to be ruder then normal so I hope it does not come across that way. However, telling me there are politics involved in some lame ass award is much like telling me shit stinks.
Putting this all in perspective, all awards do more to validate the authority of the presenting organization then honor the winner. They are establishing the orthodoxy again…. well, they aren’t so much establishing it as much as hijacking it.
Should I be upset? Should I do something about this? Naaaah. Frankly giving this a point-by-point expose of the hypocrisy would be more attention then it deserves.
But it seems to me some grand artistic gesture needs to transpire. Some metaphorical mooning must take place. The bird must be flipped with vigor at the posturing jackasses.
I’m announcing the “The Zorchie awards”.
The awards will be given out on… March 16th, and to find out who won what, drop by the old blog. While I’ll admit the award committee consists of just me, I think you’ll find the winners quite deserving.
Keep your fingers crossed, I think I have a good chance at winning “Best Blog about Zorch written by Zorch”.
Oh this could be fun.
Will there be prizes?
Gotta have statues or trophies for awards, isn't that written somewhere in the un-politics of SL handbook? LOL!
Nya... got a job for you! LOL!
Yes there will be trophies and yes I did contact Nya *smiles*
I thought all the winner would need is a spiffy new tag title to have status. :)
Hey that is a good idea. I wonder who will win the "Best group in all of second life" category?
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