That being said… let talk about the L.E.M.A. or let’s just call it the “Lame music awards”. Have you heard about it? Lots of the “Ohhhhhh community types” are all atwitter about it… but frankly they spend most of their time being atwitter about something.
Now, I feel I should mention I was more the willing to look the other way on this bullshit, but even my outsider status does not insulate me from intrusion of those seeking to establish orthodoxy, and promote their own authority.
I’m playing a show today, and some jackanapes shows up with a “Lame music award” tag floating over his noggin. My initial reaction is one of “Oh fuck”. But then I say to myself, “Self, he must be interested in music. Perhaps he’s just here to enjoy the show”. But it turns out “Oh fuck” was the right answer. He was there to promote his agenda.
Shortly after the show, Lexie tells me this guy was talking to her about some kind of web page. Curious. I don’t know what she is talking about, but shortly I find out. He IM’s me with the same message. IM spam… how tacky. Seems the Lame music awards has a web site and it has a slide show of venues and performers at the bottom of the page. ANYBODY can be included in this slide show for free.
It sounds up front like free publicity. But that is not what it is.
It’s a puffy cat.
Have you ever seen a cat arch it’s back and poof out its fur? What that cat is trying to do is appear bigger then he really is.
This is what the Lame music awards are doing with their slide show. Trying to appear as if the whole community is underwriting their authority to bestow awards.
You see, “Oh fuck” was the right answer.
I told him I thought the Lame music awards were a joke and as the exchange of witty rejoinders came to a close, he gave me the oddly traditional chorus of, “Good luck with that attitude buddy” line.
I feel quite fortunate to have actual talent, because my attitude seems to be a sticking point with so many people. I don’t like to play along to get along, and if you like my music fine, and if you don’t fuck off. I don’t need an award to tell me my music is good, if I was unsure of the quality I would probably have management and write a blog about what I had for lunch.
The listeners and venues that support me are all the award I need, and in my point of view, the most valuable thing in Second Life.
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