Second life is a fantastic place. I don’t mean that as in “so good it’s fantastic” but rather anything you can imagine you can approximate.
People that can’t balance their check books run music venues, people with very questionable musical talents are virtual rock stars, and everybody’s personal ethstetic is reflected however they wish.
People willingness to embrace approximations is a great deal of Second Life’s charm. You can own a big house, a Harley Chopper, and have a crazy hot significant other. They aren’t real but they are real enough to enjoy.
This willingness to embrace approximations also reduces the music scene to little more then a social construct for the most part.
However there is a place where reality comes in and hollers “Booga booga booga”. At some level it takes “Real Money ™” money for Second Life to happen, and most the time that “Real Money ™” money comes from a place called… wait for it… real life.
If I didn’t see the possibility to make some “Real Money ™” money in Second Life I probably would not be involved. I’m not suggesting I’m driven by the collection of money, it really is music first for me, but to me “Real Money ™” money does matter.
I’ve got lawyers to feed.
I’ve spent most of my life trying to make a living with the skill set I’ve developed and that skill set revolves around music. Sometimes I do well, sometimes not so well. It’s not pure abstraction for me to look at Second Life and wonder, “How can I pry some “Real Money ™” money out of this thing”?
Of course it’s not just the money. I’m really seeking a situation that suits me ridiculously well, and for the most part, I’ve got it.
I play the music I write and love.
I play at least once a day.
I tour without leaving my home.
I get an approximation of “Rock star” attention and I’m addicted to attention.
I get to sell MP3s. I’m a recording artist without the need to please some monkey in a suit.
The music is real, the enjoyment people get from it is real, and yes… at the end of the day the “Real Money ™”money is real. My Second Life rock stardom dovetails nicely with my real life and real job, being a Daddy.
I’m aware… and at times it seems as if I’m to only one that is, that Second Life is not the next big pop culture phenomena.
It’s a very small pond, and I’m one of the tiniest fish in that pond. In spite of that, I’m a very happy tiny fish. There is plenty of tiny fish food… yummy.
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