If there were a theme to the event, it would be “Community is where you find it”.
It was such a pleasure to be surrounded by my “Peeps”. There was so much positive energy that is was almost impossible to imagine the bullshit that seems so much part and parcel of the Second Life experience. For a moment I felt absolutely successful, and that is a very good feeling indeed.
Harrie did and outstanding job, as always, decking the place out with the proper decor. The supreme moment of decoration brilliance were the balloons that said, “I love you in a non creepy way”.
The release of “Shades of Blue” was remarkable as well. Not meaning to brag, but between sales and tips I made over 100$ American for the event. Did I mention that original artist should sell MP3s? They should. It seems to be a very viable alternative to hitting the venue operator up for a fee.
When I’m comfortable I play a great show, and there is at this point no place I feel more comfortable then at Pixel hill. While my set was stellar, I have to say every performer really brought their “A” game to the event. Even POL, who had already played one show and was totally tired and drunk, played the kind of set I admire him for. The fire, the passion. He really is the best. Everybody flat out RAWKED.
Of course, just about everybody won a Zorchie award, and really earned it that day. The really nice thing is people seem genuinely touched but the award. It is a patent token of my affection. The simple fact is, everybody involved already knew I thought they were the best of the best.
In retrospection, it’s been a profitable year for me in Second Life. I’ve seen a community grow before my eyes, and I feel great things lay ahead. We’ll not get rich and famous playing music in Second Life. But we can inspire, touch, and affect in a positive way so many with the gift of great original music.
In the glossy haze of good feelings it’s easy to say, “Second Life is Good”. But to keep my Second Life good is going to take a lot of work on my part. Of course I seem to have lots of help and support.
Thank you all so very much.
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