I’ve been working rather hard on getting my next collections of MP3s ready to roll on March 16th. The title is “Mantled in a deeper shade of blue” and my hearts desire is to get 12 songs in the collection to represent the 12 months I’ve spent in Second life. March 16th is my rezday, and I’m attempting one of my blow out to celebrate Zorch 3:16.
So let me catch you up on what is happening.
Hey …my 15 minuets of fame has been hijacked!!!!
A while back, I was talking to some woman… or more to the point she was talking to me. I was not really paying much attention because I’m kind of drifty after a show. She was talking about some kind of web cast TV show about live music in second life. And while nodding my head politely it seems I agreed to be involved with it.
I’ve gotta start paying attention.
Anyway, the good news is I really didn’t have to do anything to be involved… and doing nothing is something I’ve got quite a talent for. The bad news is the woman doing the show got my name wrong every time. Zork? Who the fuck is Zork?
The silver lining in all of this is I don’t think anybody actually watches this show. I’ve never heard of it before I was contacted to be on it. I’m sure they mean well. Literacy is something some people take for granted.
Well he’s a finalist in some kind of international songwriting competition. Of course he probably won’t win, simply because gold sinks and shit floats.
But it’s one of those “you can vote” deals, so get behind the cause and do your part. If you missed out on my group notice with the attachment and want the details just IM me in world and I’ll send you the note card Harrie sent me.
And much more
Yeah… there is probably a lot o’ stuff I’m forgetting. Some people are cool, some people are crazy as a shit house rat.
Life goes on, and so do I. For the time being at least.
I’ll be playing shows and workings on the next release so expect the Blog to be a neglected for a while.
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