I’m well aware that most predictions don’t prove out, but I’m about to make one. Note the date; note the time this entry was posted.
In mid June of the 2009, “MNP records” is supposed to be established. Once again, what MNP stands for is a matter of debate. I’m predicting it either won’t happen, or if some twisted fantasy version of a record company does happen it won’t live to see 2010 and will end in scandal.
I’m not basing this prediction on any extra sensory gift. I’m simply paying attention to what is being suggested and noticing it won’t work. Let me share my observations and see if you come up with the same conclusion.
I do have a sorted past with MNP, and you might think this is sour grapes. But even when I was involved, I made it clear I was not interested in participating in any record company Moody might cobble together.
Even though I didn’t seem interested, Moody, being the dreamer she is (see the title) was more then willing to tell me all about her master stroke. She’s not letting a small detail like the minuscule number of people actually interested in Second Life music in anyway deter her from her from pursuing her dream. I remember one of the MNP act boasting, “I’ve sold 26 MP3s this month”. Well I’ve sold 30 collections of MP3s this month, and I’m not starting a company.
Moody’s work around for not being able to actually sell music is corporate sponsorship. In her little dream world, some company would pony up major bucks to support a business that won’t make a dime for… promotional exposure.
Promotional exposure????
Hey, there are less there are between 20,000 and 90,000 online at any given time. While you could look at monthly log ons for a bigger number, almost everybody knows that number is bullshit. The majority of log ons come from recovering from a crash here.
While the over all numbers are pretty small. The live or semi-live music scene here reflects smaller numbers.
Most Sims have a occupation limit of about 40 avatars on the same parcel at the same time. While there might be 20 music events going on in an hour, if all of them hit the limit, it would only be 800 people in attendance.
Further dreaming, if you had 20 events, 24 hours a day, and all were just packed out you would have at the end of the day 19,200 people enjoying live music in Second life.
If we could keep this perfect attendance for a full month, 576,000 People would have been enjoying live music in Second Life. That is over a half a million people. Kind of… actually it would only be almost a half a million people if different people viewed every show.
But the scenario played out above is pure fantasy. The actual promotional impression sponsoring a record company in Second Life would generate is mathematically negligible.
I imagine Moody is trying to stir things up in hopes that something breaks loose for her. Frankly a lot of musicians like the idea of getting signed to a record contract due to their popularity in Second life. A lot of people in the “So-called” music community like the idea as well. It supports their point of view that the music scene in Second Life is vital and about to BLOW UP big time.
For the record, the music scene in Second Life is still very early in its development cycle. It’s not ready to be anything more then what it currently is, because the music scene more about Second Life then it is about music. There are some very talented musicians here, but the majority of popular acts are better at being sociable then playing music.
Now you may question my motives in posting about this topic. Part of the reason is to have something interesting to post on the Blog. But the bigger reason is because this is a scam and people get hurt in scams.
While there currently is no MNP records, it already has two Vice Presidents. I’ll not name names, but I know one of them is on un-employment, and waiting for Moody’s company to support her. At this point she may even be spending her meager savings just waiting for that ship to come in. There is no ship, so it’s never coming in.
Musicians are also being scammed. Musicians are by nature dreamers. And most dream of that magic someone that will usher them to “THE BIG TIME”. When someone says those five little words “I can get you signed”, all reason goes out the window.
In my short association with Moody, I came to the conclusion she is lying about her credentials as a music professional. She doesn’t have any fundamental understanding of business, and much less the music business. I once asked her about Harry Fox, and she said, “I don’t know any Harry Fox”. Harry Fox… or Harry Fox agency… or Harry Fox money is a common expression in the Music Biz. It’s in every record contract, either directly or by inference (also referred to as Mechanicals).
She also commented, “Good recording studios have “Sure mics”. Now I feel I should point out this is true, but really good recording studios have coffee makers too, and I’m convinced those coffee makers get more use then the “Sure mics”. Frankly, most bedroom studios have “Sure mics”, and the coffee maker is all the way in the kitchen. How can anybody work like that?
Now I don’t think Moody is evil. She is full of shit, and most people are at some level. She gets a lot of attention by pretending to be a mover and shaker in music. Her schemes get her even more attention, but people inclined to believe this crap are going to be crushed when it all turns to dust.
Further underlining the scamboogery of this whole deal, Moody’s two vice presidents in waiting have no experience at all in the music biz out side of their experiences in Second Life. Perhaps two years of running a venue in Second Life would get you an internship at a real record company, but why would a self proclaimed “Real life music professional” like Moody even consider installing two clueless buddies as Vice President? Because she’s not a real life professional anything and this is all make-believe.
But in the end… the disappointment of those involved will be quite real.
1 comment:
Very perceptive and good analysis Zorch.
You might also like to read my somewhat related comments on a semi relevant article at http://rezzable.com/blog/thinkerer-melville/real-entertainment-virtual-village
Komuso Tokugawa
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