When everything is basically okay and you are sad, you are depressed. It’s okay to be sad when you have a reason to be sad, that is not depression. That is natural. Events have transpired that have cause be to become sad and frankly I don’t handle sad very well. Little things seem to set me off and I’m far more honest then I should be.
Warning, the following text will be full of honesty and while honesty gets a lot of good press, it’s not as popular as you might think. If you have a allergic reaction to honesty or real opinions read no further. Look something distracting.I’ve got a butt load of shows booked at the “Jam Shack” and I’m honestly thinking about canceling them all. I’m starting to think there are some places I don’t need to be playing at, but in all honesty that is not my primary reason for considering dumping the shows.
In order to play the Shack, I have to belong to the Musicians United group. Seems Lou Mannok’s chick manager is a member of this group and feels compelled to release multiple notices for every show Lou plays. I hate Spam groups, and I hate it more when I get noticed bombed by Karaoke fucktards via their lame ass chick managers.
For the record Lou seems very popular but that doesn’t change the fact he’s a Karaoke fucktards. And why is it every Karaoke fucktards seems to have some chick that is convinced she has what it takes to be a manager? They seem really good at getting notices out, but generating Spam is not really a skill.
For the record, in a field in which the bar is set very low (that field being Karaoke fucktards), Lou is about as generic as they come. Of course maybe that is the point of being a Karaoke fucktards. The more mundane you are, the greater a fucktards you are.
Now on to other matters.
I don’t normally copy and past chat text. But I feel it will tell the story better then I can.
To understand the context of this conversation, keep in mind a few month back I bought a MP3 vendor from Reslez and it magically disappeared from my inventory one day. I mentioned this is a public forum along with some observations about the vendor.
I’ll try to clean up all the extraneous chatter but I’ll leave the text untouched. Expect typos and bad grammar, but do try and follow along.
Pat Insoo: (Saved Sat Sep 13 18:15:00 2008) Hey there Zorch. Bring me your vendors, we'll make you satisfied.
Zorch Boomhauer: Interesting message, I have to ask who is "We'll" and wonder what you feel I'm unsatisfied with
Pat Insoo: your post in thread at slmc indicates you are not satisfied with hthe MP3 By Me vendors. We were unaware of this. Wish to fix that
Zorch Boomhauer: I made my own vendor
Zorch Boomhauer: and who is "We'll"?
Pat Insoo: The FCMC group
Zorch Boomhauer: not interested in Group affiliation at this time. Thanks for the offer
Pat Insoo: no no no
Pat Insoo: your vendor . you said you were not satisfied with.
Zorch Boomhauer: yes, that is why I made my own that I am happy with
Pat Insoo: right, so, you are not happy with the system, I don't know we can change that as you have your own. Probably EXACTLY what you want. Still, rather than having you be down our level of support & service, we'd like to take action to change your opinion
Pat Insoo: you bought 1 or 2 units? were they custom builds? what was the cost?
Zorch Boomhauer: I've resolved the issue on my own.
(Editorial note, this conversation should be over at this point)
Pat Insoo: if yer publishing that our support is inadequte, the issue is not resolved.
Pat Insoo: obviouly
Pat Insoo: We were not even aware you were dissatisfied.
Pat Insoo: shocked into action by the posting
(Editorial note, So the reason this guy is bugging me is because I said something honest about his product in a public forum. I did contact the guy the sold me the system via note card and received notification of his receipt of the note card.)
Zorch Boomhauer: yeah, but I'm satisfied that I might have prevented someone else from doing business with you
Pat Insoo: we slighted you somehow?
Pat Insoo: Why would you have a hate on for us?
Zorch Boomhauer: I did send a note card about the problem. it was not addressed. I only posted because it seemed very relevant. I didn't want anybody to consider your system a viable solution
Pat Insoo: a notecard?
Zorch Boomhauer: I've got a show now, nice meeting you
Pat Insoo: well, ty for the free slander
Zorch Boomhauer: Slander implies a wish to do harm. I wished to prevent it. I'm not interested in your agenda. But I would rather prevent you from selling your product to other musicians
Pat Insoo: if you stand still the product will remain the same long enough to justify your snapshot opinion. If you wantd to do anything lkess than harm, you would let us clean up the matter. That snapshot is yours now too. We move on.
(Editorial note, I have no idea what that last… umm… paragraph meant. You wanna take a stab at decoding it?)
All this bullshit is going on while I’m trying to set up for a show. Seems somebody’s always got some bullshit issue they need to talk about when I’m trying to get in the zone.
My tolerance for some of the people in Second Life is starting to diminish. I’m ready to cut some ties and move on. In the end it should be about the music and the people that want to listen to it. But it seems I get side tracked constantly.
I am rather emotionally peaked right now. My willingness to let things slide is paper-thin. I tend to behave recklessly when agitated. And I wonder if that will be my undoing. Of course if it is my undoing then my efforts here are in vain. It should be about the music, not my personality and willingness to eat shit.