Foot soldiers
One of the most neglected aspects of promotion in Second Life is the simple fact that to a large extent, music here seems to be a social activity. I’ve seen HUGE groups for totally lame ass Karaoke types simply because they work the social network better. They have accidentally discovered the “Golden goose” of Second life promotion. They tout concert attendance as “Support”, and by doing so they are basically admitting attendance is a social matter. You support your friends.
It might sound as if I’m talking in circles now, so if you are dizzy, sit down for a moment and let me try to get from point “A” to point “B” in a more liner fashion.
The good people that attend my show for the most part do so because of the music. Those people in all likelihood have friends that also are passionate about music. If you are a group member or even a fan, the simple act of inviting a friend to check out some good music could and should cause significant growth.
Please note, I’m not asking for people to show up as a matter of support. If you don’t like the music, I don’t want to encroach on your time, have fun in Second Life doing something else.
I think recorded music is so very important. It allows the listener to adopt the music and make it part of their lives. This to me is of major significance. This is why I make my MP3 downloads ridiculously affordable. If you are wondering why I don’t give them away, it’s because people seem to feel free music is of no value.
If you want proof of that, a while back I had two free downloads at my MySpace page for friend appreciation day. Nobody downloaded the free file. The same files have been for sale in Second Life and sell well respectively.
While free music seems to be valueless, pirated music seem to keep its value intact. While no artist endorses pirating their own music, I’m not very worried about people copying and sharing my files. After all, Barney says, “Sharing is caring”. The more people aware of my music the more people will come to the shows. And growth is my agenda right now.
What can Zorch do?
Be dynamic. Keep things fresh. Record more MP3s make them available. Play great shows. Keep updating the blog. One of the most important factors in any growth plan is constant motion. I’ll be busting my hump serving the music and the people that enjoy it the best I can.
If you enjoy the music half as much as I do, please do your part to help it grow and reach more appreciative ears. Much thanks for all of your support in the past and I’m looking forward to growing together.
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