The line up, best as I can recall.
POL Arida
Blindboy Gummo
Zorch Boonhauer
Moondoggiegirl something… I don’t remember. Last names are pointless in Second life
And the Born again Pagans
Of course the big news about the event was it was very well attended once again. People questioning the draw of original music would be flummoxed by the crowd. I must mention in passing the show was hosted by “Pixel Hill’s” personable manager Harrie “the Rock chick” Skjellerup, and while the act may or may not be good, Harrie’s involvement probably gave the show a great deal of credibly.
When you consistently put on good shows, people expect good shows and come in droves.
While I’m trying to second-guess success, I feel I should mention the involvement of POL probably has a lot to do with the attendance. While I’ve often stated the opinion he’s the best singer/songwriter on Second Life, I feel I should also point out he’s also one of the best draws as an original artist.
As for the show (by the way I’m playing “Zorch Idol” here. Like American Idol except I’m the only one that gets to vote as to who should go to the next round)
POL started the shindig with a new song, and a batch of favorites and then ended with the same new song he played at the beginning of the show. A bold move that really did pay off in an odd way. I like the new song it’s very perversely poppy. I’m thinking classic Syd Barrette here. A strong opener.
POL Arida, pack your bags you are going to the next level.
Blindboy Gummo was second on the bill. His first song seemed remarkably strong. But then he spiraled down in to a simmering vat of blue clichés. What was he singing? I don’t know, the guitar kept getting louder and louder, drowning out everything but a few wailing vowel sounds.
He ended his show with some tasty slide guitar licks, but the show is suppose to be about original music. When you get the delta fried licks drowning out any semblance of song… it doesn’t sound original at all.
The verdict. Pull a Clay Akin and try again. Turn down the guitar, turn up the vocals. The blues could use a fresh lyrical vision and if Blindboy has one that would be cool. Of course he could just be covering up sloppy lyrics with shopworn blues hysteria.
Zorch was next up and played a picture perfect set.
Me, pack my bags and go to the next level (it pays to sleep with the judge).
Moondoggiegirl. Well I think that is her name. She calls her music “Twang with Fangs”. This is just a vain attempt to keep from calling it Country Music. For the record, it is Country music, and while I hear plenty of “Twang” I could not find a single “Fang”.
That being said, she sounded great. Strong voice, solid guitar playing and a good mix. The songs were quite strong and well though out. If I were more into that country sound I would be a huge fan.
The verdict, Pack your bags you are going to the next level. Good is good even when it twangs and sings about red patent leather cowboy boots.
Last on the bill was “The born again pagans”.
Some music it really helps to be stoned out of your mind while you listen to it. I wasn’t stone for the end of the show and because of that I didn’t feel the magic of the Pagans. Very hippy dippy, Rastafarian, chock full of bullshit and psudo spiritualism.. Unfocused and ponderous. Worse of all…boring.
Of course if I were stoned I would have been digging it.
Verdict. Pass… go back home.
The show was overall a success, but the next show will lack the draw of POL Arida, and I have to wonder how well that one will do. Can an all-original show work without the big dog of original music? Time will tell, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I believe in “The Originals” and hope it becomes a major brand in Second Life.
This in my no so humble opinion would be a big step towards a break out.
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