The other day I was attending the third of “the originals” show, and I saw this guy that right out of the gate blew me away. For a moment I doubted if I was the second best singer/songwriter in Second Life. About half way though the performance I realized my position was secure.
The guy was a very skilled guitar player, his voice was pleasant, and his songs were well crafted and slick. He was remarkably professional and polished to a high luster. But after a few songs, they all seemed to sound the same, and I could not recall a single theme of any of the songs. They were pleasant to listen to but made no impression whatsoever as they vanished into history.
I’m thinking back to the second time I saw POL play. He kicked into “Birds fall down” and I was like, “Shit birds falling down???? That is not right, what does this mean”. While I didn’t understand the statement it connected to me at an emotional level. I sat thought the reminder of the show awe struck. “Welcome to winter”, “Mother of three”, “The Last song ever” all these song immediately connected with me. I was Impressed as hell. Yes POL is a pretty good guitar player and a serviceable singer, but that was not what blew my mind. The songs connected at an emotional level.
It’s hard for me to talk subjectively about my own songs, and my music in general. But I feel part of the reason I have any fans at all is because my songs connect. They come from somewhere real, and even if you don’t understand them, you can feel the emotional resonance. The pain, the joy, the confusion all there and rendered in song.
When music connects at an emotional level it is an art form. When music sounds nice and polished, it’s a craft. I’m not saying one is better then the other because different people listen to music desiring different experiences. Some wish to be entertained, some wish to be moved.
1 comment:
*When music connects at an emotional level it is an art form. When music sounds nice and polished, it’s a craft. I’m not saying one is better then the other because different people listen to music desiring different experiences. Some wish to be entertained, some wish to be moved.*
That is so well said, hope you dont mind but I quoted what you said on my profile. Have had discussions with some ppl lately over what is good and what is not good. I cannot say really, I just enjoy the music or I don't so much. I believe when someone can move me with their music that it is the absolute highest form of communication.
TY Zorch :)
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